Beyond Silicone and Saline: Exploring the Latest Innovations in Breast Implants

Breast implants are a popular cosmetic surgery worldwide. These implants are performed to make you physically attractive and give you the delight of feeling gorgeous from the inside out, having the body you’ve always dreamt of. Not only cis women but also transgender people use these implants to achieve their ideal physical characteristics and feel great about their looks.

What does the FDA say?

If the individual is healthy and meets the age restrictions, all breast implants are FDA-approved. Saline implants are available to healthy individuals at least 18 years old; silicone implants are only available to people who are 22 years old or older.

Women who want to enhance their breasts’ overall size opt for breast augmentation. Individuals who need volume or contour improvements might also benefit from the surgery.

Misconception about breast implant surgery

Do breast implants feel natural? It is one of the breast implant misconceptions that circulates the most. 

Other doubts are: How long do cohesive gel implants last before they deteriorate or need to be replaced? Are implants susceptible to rupture or leakage? Do they affect nipple sensation? Does it lead to breast cancer?

Here is the answer to all safety-related questions. Yes, breast implants feel natural, and no one can tell that the person has had implants. After surgery, there is some numbness in the nipple region, but this goes away within a few weeks. If the individual does not experience discomfort or any other implant-related symptoms, the silicone implants are nearly lifelong and do not need to be replaced.

Breast cancer and breast implants have not been proven to be linked. The implants are made of stable cohesive (gel) silicone, which means they won’t leak or burst under pressure and won’t cause any issues.

The FDA has advised against using textured implants since they may slightly raise your chance of getting ALCL; ALCL is not breast cancer but a rare type of immune system cancer. The midpoint of 2019 saw the recall of the implants linked to this malignancy.

Perhaps you won’t need to remove these implants if you already have them and are symptom-free. Whether or not you are experiencing symptoms after breast implant surgery, you should schedule routine checkups with a doctor.

No solution applies to everyone regarding whether to maintain a particular type of implant or have it removed. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of breast augmentation surgery and possible complications with your doctor.

Considering breast augmentation

Even though there are no maximum age restrictions for getting breast implants, health problems in women tend to surface more often as they age. There may come the point when your body is no longer at its best to consider getting breast implants.

Finally, FDA approval for most silicone gel and saline implants typically lasts 10 to 20 years, although this does not mandate that you replace them until you face any concerns. Most patients only need one or two replacements in their lives, and it is safe to go beyond these time ranges.

For Enquiries and Online Appointments

For more detailed information about Breast Implants, please send us a message today.

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