QA Botox brow lift

1) What is involved in a Botox brow lift?

The term ‘lift’ in a Botox brow lift does not mean that any kind of surgical procedure under anesthesia is involved like in a traditional brow lift. In this no skin is removed to lift the muscle or tissues that lies under the area but injecting Botox will give the similar effect. With the help of Botox injections in targeted areas, the eyebrows and the brow area can be temporarily lifted by relaxing the facial muscles that make it sag in the first place. The wrinkles in the brow area will also get treated in this way making the eyebrows appear elevated looking. The Botox is a neurotoxin that acts by stopping the movement of the nerve signals to the muscles that lead to fine lines and wrinkles on the face. When there aren’t any signals, the muscles will remain relaxed erasing the wrinkles that could appear otherwise..

2) What are the steps in a Botox brow lift?

A Botox brow lift is quite a straightforward procedure both during and after. The needles used to inject Botox into the targeted areas of the brow area are really tiny. As small as a single strand of hair . Before the procedure the patient will be required to stop taking blood-thinning medications, or those that could cause bleeding like aspirin. The doctor will apply an anesthetic cream to the area to reduce any discomfort. During the Botox brow lift procedure, the needles are used to inject low doses of Botox into the muscles just under the skin. The needle will not go very deep and only as deep as it is needed to go in order to be effective. The goal of the brow lift procedure using Botox is to give results in a natural way. The actual procedure itself will just take a few minutes to perform. The injections will just feel like a pinprick and will not be painful or uncomfortable.

3) What happens after a Botox brow lift is done?

After a Botox brow lift there could be some redness or sensitivity around the injected area and this is quite normal. The swelling, redness or any discomfort must resolve within few hours. The doctor may prescribe some painkillers but do not take any without consulting with your doctor. Make sure not to touch the injected areas for at least 4 hours and also not lay down/do excersise for this much time after the procedure. Unnecessary touching can make the Botox to spread out from the areas it was injected into and end up in unwanted places. This reduces the effectiveness of Botox and can relax the muscles in other areas. It will generally take about 48hours to start to notice any changes and for the complete result to manifest it will be anywhere from 1–2 weeks.. The Botox brow lift results should last for around 3 to 4 months and you can schedule the next appointment after that. Once you have a better idea of your body’s response to Botox it will be easier to anticipate results and plan doctor visits.

4) What are the benefits of a Botox brow lift?

Botox brow lift can have plenty benefits apart from having a much younger, rejuvenated appearance without the need of anesthesia or surgery. Few skillfully placed injections could be the best non-invasive option for restoring eyebrows or forehead. Botox brow lift can help treat drooping eyebrows, which may obstruct vision. The brow lift can give an image makeover and get rid of the constant grumpy and fatigued look by fixing and treating the sagging eyelid skin. The procedure can help remove the forehead creases as well as the frown lines between the eyebrows. The Botox brow lift can also improve the position as well as the shape of eyebrows. The results can be quite natural and subtle looking. A Botox brow lift will allow you to delay the need for brow lift by surgical procedure. Botox can reduce fine lines and wrinkles and also slow down the formation of new lines and wrinkles, thereby putting the ageing process on hold for some time.

5) Who is an ideal candidate for Botox brow lift?

An ideal candidate for the Botox brow lift technique could be those people who have hooding or “drooping” in the upper eyelids. Once you get older the elasticity and collagen loss can affect areas of skin on the eyelids. This age-related accumulation of droopy tissue, known as dermatochalasis, can lead to a “tired” and “angry” appearance, and possibly even obstruct vision. The onset of the symptoms can happen around the age of 40 in both men and women. In some cases, eyelid hooding and excessive eyelid tissue can be congenital conditions that begin affecting as early as in their 20s. Botox brow lift can also remove any vertical lines that a person might have developed between the eyebrows. During a frown, you are contracting a set of muscles called the corrugator muscles. The repeated use of these muscles over time can create vertical glabellar lines between the eyes. These lines may have the unintentional effect of making a person look angry. The frontalis muscles, can also create horizontal lines across the forehead when we raise our eyebrows. A Botox brow lift can address all these aging lines if the patient wants to get rid of them.

6) What are the aftercare tips following a Botox brow lift?

The best results for a Botox brow lift happen only when the aftercare is strictly adhered to. After the procedure there can be a few small red needle marks around the Botox injection sites. These marks will resolve quickly and the redness will also go away withing 24 hours after the Botox brow lift. It is important to be extra gentle with the skin at the injection site at least for a day after the procedure. This can ensure that there aren’t any blemish flare ups and this will also speed up healing. It is best to give the skin a break for 12 hours after the injections from make up or sunscreens. Keep the area clean, and try not to rub or apply any pressure to that area. You can do all normal activities right away as there isn’t any downtime after the procedure. But exercise and vigorous physical activity must be avoided for two days after the procedure, so the injected Botox doesn’t spread to other areas.

7) How long will it take for results after Botox brow lift?

As with all Botox treatments, the results and recovery from the Botox Brow lift will also be relatively quick. Within a week some changes can be seen. But significant results will be noted in 2 weeks after the initial injections. Botox injections could last about three to four months on average but some treatments can last up to half a year. Many choose Botox brow lift over the surgical procedure due to the short recovery time. Regular activities can be done but it is advised you don’t work out for at least two hours after the injections. To maintain the Botox brow lift results it is important to go back every few months for repeat injection sessions. The more injections you get over time, it better allows the underlying muscles around the eyebrows to wear down and produce even better anti-aging results. Based on individual needs the doctor will advise on when you need to return for a follow-up treatment.

8) How do you prepare for a Botox brow lift?

As with any Botox procedures done on the face, make sure that you have researched your doctor thoroughly regarding their reviews and credentials even before booking an appointment. Keep the doctor in the loop about any medications you may be taking before the procedure. They will advise you to stop taking blood thinning medicines like aspirin, fish oil tabs, ginseng or ibuprofen. . See to it that you have freed up your schedule of any strenuous or tiring activities. Applying ice to the brow area before being injected can help calm the nerves and make the procedure less uncomfortable and also reduce post injection bruising. Smoking will affect the recovery period so it is best to not smoke or even consume alcohol before the procedure. Do not wear any make up or skincare product that could irritate the skin before the appointment. Make up will only stand in the way of your doctor clearly seeing where he needs to inject.

9) Can Botox brow lift help with hooded eyes?

Botox brow lift can be used to fix hooded eyes by relaxing the muscle that pulls down the brow tail. A small amount of Botox is injected into the brow tails. In this way the drooping of the brow can be prevented giving a slightly lifted appearance on the brow edges with relaxed eyelids. When the brows are laterally lifted this can greatly reduce the appearance of hooded eyelids. But ideally there are three injection areas to help hooded eyes and lift the brows. One is on the edge of the brows, right between the brows, and the other one is just a little bit above this area. Botox brow lift to treat hooded eyelids will involve the Orbicularis oculi which are the muscles that encircles the eyes, the corrugator muscles that extend right between the brows and the procerus muscles that are located between the brows. Botox injection will be given to these three areas as the aim is to lift the mid-brow, the edge, and the arch.

10) What are some benefits of Botox brow lift over the surgical brow lift?

There can be numerous advantages for choosing a Botox brow lift over the surgical option. The top ones among this are that it is a non -invasive procedure, it is a fast procedure that will take just a few minutes. Unlike a surgery this is a temporary procedure, so you can try this option before deciding if you like it or not. A surgical brow lift is much more expensive than a Botox brow lift so the cost difference is quite a significant one. There is no downtime for a Botox brow lift and the recovery time is also much faster than a surgical option. The recovery will be less painful with lesser redness, bruising or swelling as well. With a Botox brow lift the usual complications and risks associated with surgery will not be there. The surgical procedure will also be a longer procedure to perform whereas with Botox the results can be seen within a few minutes after the procedure.

For Enquiries and Online Appointments

For more detailed information about the Botox brow lift, please send us a message today.

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