Vaginal Rejuvenation

The term “vaginal rejuvenation” is an umbrella term that covers several different procedures. It is sometimes called female genital plastic surgery, female genital rejuvenation surgery, female genital cosmetic surgery, vulvovaginal plastic surgery and designer vagina surgery

Among the procedures that comprise vaginal rejuvenation are:

*Clitoral hood reduction
*Labia majoraplasty


Women opt for labiaplasty for a variety of reasons, including pain from twisting and tugging of the labia when riding a bike/scooter or during intercourse, itching, irritation and self-consciousness. The objective of the procedure is to reduce the labia minora so that they don’t hang below the hair-bearing labia majora. It is also done to create symmetry when one is longer than the other or more commonly to shorten the length of both labia so that they no longer twist, tug or fall out of position.

Anesthesia for the procedure can be either local or general. Generally labiaplasty is done to trim the labia, in which the extra tissue is removed and sewn up directly. Next in popularity is the wedge procedure, which maintains a natural border after a pie-shaped piece of tissue has been removed. Extra folds of the clitoral hood can also be reduced at the same time. Absorbable sutures are generally used to close the wound.

After the procedure one can expect a shorter labia that no longer hang down below the level of the hair-bearing labia majora. Most patients who experienced symptoms from twisting and tugging of their labia generally find relief after surgery. According to multiple medical studies, labiaplasty surgery is associated with a high satisfaction rate of over 90 percent.

Clitoral hood reduction

Excess folds of the clitoral hood, or prepuce, can be reduced with a clitoral hood reduction. The surgery is most commonly done along with labiaplasty. The extra folds can create a bulge that is exaggerated when the labia minora are reduced, and a clitoral hood reduction can enhance the balance in appearance of the female genitalia

As it is generally performed along with labiaplasty, anesthesia could be either local or general.

The excess tissue is marked according to the individual’s anatomy. There is a wide variation in the shape and extent of folds. In some patients the excision is performed as a “Y” extension off the labiaplasty. Closure is usually done with absorbable sutures. Recovery from the surgery depends on the accompanying labiaplasty.

In some patients with a heavy clitoral hood, a labiaplasty without a clitoral hood reduction can result in a top-heavy look. A clitoral hood reduction can lend balance to a labiaplasty in such patients. This surgery has a high satisfaction rate of over 90 percent.

Labia majoraplasty

It is a procedure that is designed to surgically reduce the size of the outer, hair-bearing labia majora. People who feel that their labia majora is a bit large or hang down may feel some activities such as cycling quite difficult or may be embarrassed by their fullness.

The procedure can be done under local anesthesia and general anesthesia. The surgeon in consultation with the anesthetist will determine the type of sedation.

The plastic surgeon removes two slight crescents of skin from the inner portion of each labium. The amount to be removed depends on the amount of excess tissue. Closure is usually done with absorbable sutures.

Patients normally take a week off from work to recover, meanwhile they can reduce the pain and swelling by placing cold pack, sandwiched between the patient’s underpants and the garment

After the surgery, patients can experience a smaller and tighter labia majora. In patients with excess skin, drooping of the labia majora when the patient is standing is usually improved post surgery. In patients with excess volume, this procedure can result in a lower profile.


Some women struggle with a bulge of excess skin and fat in the mons, the upper part of the hair-bearing part of their vulva. The bulge can result in women feeling too embarrassed to wear a bathing suit or tight pants.

Anesthesia depends on the amount of the tissue to be removed. If the skin or the fatty tissue to be excised is less, local anesthesia is preferred.

The purpose of the surgery is to lessen the amount of fatty tissue or skin that causes the bulge. Sometimes the amount of skin removed can be extensive, while in others, liposuction is sufficient.

Patients are advised complete rest for a week. Physical activities can be resumed after about six weeks. Patients can expect a lower profile mons after the surgery. The mons project less in clothing. In some patients with a hanging mons, removal of excess skin or fat can result in less hanging.


Vaginoplasty (also known as posterior colporrhaphy) is a procedure designed to tighten the vagina. After childbirth, women may experience vaginal laxity resulting from stretching of tissues and separating of muscles and this lack of tone can contribute to sexual dysfunction.

Vaginoplasty can be done under local anesthesia, however many opt to have it under general anesthesia.

A vaginoplasty brings the separated muscles together and the extra mucosal skin from the back side of the vagina is removed. The external skin can also be removed for a more aesthetic appearance.

Patients may have one to two weeks of down time. A deep ache can be experienced for the first few days. There is no intercourse for eight weeks. Depending on the amount of tightening performed, some patients may be instructed to use dilators.

After the procedure, patients can experience a tighter vaginal canal, which can help heighten sexual satisfaction.

For Enquiries and Online Appointments

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