What are the advantages of a thigh lift surgery?
As age progresses the body will produce less collagen, the connective tissues begin to loosenand the skin will also sag. With a thigh lift, a portion of the excess skin that is sagging can be removed in order to retain an hourglass figure. This procedure is especially beneficial for those who have had an excessive amount of weight loss or say after the fat has been removed via liposuction. Chaffing of thighs is inevitable when you have large thighs and rashes could also develop because of this constant rubbing. A thigh lift can eliminate chaffingfor good. No more tugging down your shorts or powdering your inner thighs. Just make sure to talk to the doctor about all such concerns before the procedure. Getting a thigh lift is a great confidence and self-esteem booster because of looking great and having a fit body. Thigh lift can give a smoother and more youthful appearance to your thighs. There will be reduced cellulite and firmer, toned skin. When a stable weight is maintained, the thigh lift results can be a permanent fix
What is the recovery period for a thigh lift?
After getting a thigh lift, you can return to your sitting job in about two weeks. But for more physically demanding activity there needs to be a waiting period of at least four weeks. Afterthe surgery the thighs will be wrapped in compression garment that can aid in quicker healing. After two- or three-days following surgery there will be some swelling and bruising and some amount of soreness. The thighs are involved in almost every body movement, so keep your activity to the absolute minimum in the first few days. The drain and stitches will be removed and bandages as well after 7 days following the procedure. It could be longer for some depending on body type. The compression garment should be worn for several weeks. This garment protects incisions and provides support for your thighs as they heal. Avoid stretching your thighs and be cautious when sitting, standing, walking and bending. In six weeks’, time the incisions should be fully healed and the swelling in your thighs will be at a minimum. Scars may change color from light red to dark purple. Final results should be visible in around 6 months’ time.
What are the different types of thigh lifts?
There are basically four to five types of thigh lifts and the names of these can vary at different places. The type of procedure best suited for you depends on your body type and on your goals or thigh objectives. In a mini thigh lift, the sagging of the upper part of the inner thigh is reduced. This is just a means of slightly toning the area down. A medial thigh
lift is performed on the inner part of the upper thigh. Some patients also seek an inner thigh lift as a way to remove excess skin after weight loss. The incision for this will start at the top of the pubic area, close to the hip bone till the back of the buttock. Vertical thigh lift is to remove excess skin extending all the way around the thigh. This lift treats the middle and lower sections of the thigh too and due to the incision shape, this is also known as the crescent lift. Lateral thigh lift removes skin and fat from the outside of the thigh. In this the incision is made around the waist. A posterior thigh lift targets the cellulite in the area at the back of the thighs, as well as the buttocks. Spiral thigh lift is the latest type and targets the entire thigh. Also called total thigh lift or 360-degree lift.
Will there be scarring in a thigh lift procedure?
There could be two or more incisions for a thigh lift procedure depending on the type of thigh lift. All bodies react to scarring differently and so some scars can fade while some couldget darker. When the procedure is done at a younger age with better skin elasticity then the scars will be less visible. Scars of a thigh lift are often strategically placed so they can be hidden with clothing or under natural skin folds. The position, extent, and length of scars after a thigh lift will depend on the location and amount of excess skin that needs to be removed. When only minimal lift is required as in a crescent lift the incision is concealed within the natural fold of the groin. Or in other cases it could be placed along the inner thigh from groin. With the doctor’s go ahead you may use scar creams or moisturizers on incision sites to minimize scarring. Scar management can also be done with laser therapy or micro-needling.
How do you prepare for a thigh lift surgery?
Preparation for a thigh lift procedure should ideally begin weeks or even months in advance. To make it easier for your body to heal it is important to make necessary lifestyle modifications like improving diet or increasing activity levels. The immune system has to be put to work like this and the energy levels will also be improved automatically. You will need it after the procedure to practice some mobility in order to help the healing process and prevent the formation of blood clots. Certain supplements or medications may be required to stop before procedure and smoking will also need to stop for better recovery without complications. Antibiotics may be prescribed beforehand to keep infections at bay. Any health issues must be properly communicated with your doctor. Take care of work commitments as it is usually recommended that you take two or three weeks off work in order to recover to normal activity levels after surgery. Get support from family or friends for after surgery care. Purchase medical quality support garments that are meant to aid the healing process for a few weeks.
Can thigh lift be combined with liposuction?
Especially in cases when the thigh area has poor skin elasticity, the doctor is likely to recommend a liposuction along with the thigh lift so the excess fat cells and sagging skin can be taken care of. Patients who have gone through significant weight loss or pregnancy may need to consider the one-two combo of liposuction and a thigh lift surgery two to three months later. When there isn’t much excess fat in the area a liposuction may not be needed.A thigh lift may not address excess fat in the area or the cellulite and this is when liposuctioncan help. Again, the choice of this will depend on the nature of the skin in the treatment area. As degrees of skin laxity increase, the amount of liposuction that can be performed decreases. Apart from suggesting liposuction the surgeon can also advise a lateral thigh lift to improve upon skin laxity in the saddlebag area or a medial thigh lift can address skin laxityin the upper medial thigh or even extending a lateral thigh lift across the posterior midline tolift the buttocks as well.
Who is the ideal candidate for a thigh lift procedure?
After a thigh lift, the appearance of the skin and its change in the thigh area will depend on anumber of factors like gravity, aging, or pregnancy where weight was gained and lost. In general, the suitable candidates for thigh lift are those with loose sagging skin in/around your upper legs, those with inelastic, lax thigh skin or with excess fat deposits in the thighs, those with unshapely, untoned leg contours or if the thighs are disproportionate to rest of figure or with excess soft tissue along the inner thigh region and the outer thigh. Healthy people whose weight has been relatively stable or without medical conditions that impair healing or increase risk of surgery are ideal candidates. Nonsmokers are ideally more suited as smoking can hinder the healing process. If you’re allergic to anesthesia or have lymphedema or venous issues, including chronic venous insufficiency or deep vein thrombosis, a thigh lift may not be advisable.
How soon are results seen after a thigh lift?
Following a thigh lift procedure, you will find that the quality of the skin will be improved in feel and appearance. Though results are visible almost immediately, the final results will fully develop only within several months. The scars may be visible but these will be strategically placed and most will fade with time. As long as a stable weight is maintained after the procedure, the results of the thigh lift is bound to be permanent. Some firmness can be naturally lost with age progressing otherwise the results will be evident. In some cases, optimal results may not be achieved with just a single surgical procedure and another surgery may be required. The complete swelling and bruising may take weeks or even months to fully disappear and this is why the final results can take time. The toned look that comes from this procedure will be long lasting but your skin will still naturally sag with age.
What is involved in the thigh lift procedure?
A thigh lift is most often done as an outpatient procedure with general anesthesia. An overnight stay may be required only if any other body contouring procedures are done alongwith the thigh lift. Once the vitals are monitored and anesthesia has been given the surgeon will proceed to make an incision according to specific thigh concerns. The incision sites couldeither be along the length of the inner thigh, under buttocks, or at the top of your leg. The excess skin and fat will then be removed before tightening and reshaping the remaining tissue. Once the thigh is lifted and the skin in the area has been smoothed then the incisions will be closed with deep sutures. The stitches will support the tissue’s new position. After the surgery drains that prevent the accumulation of blood and fluid will be placed. Then compression garment and bandages will be wound around the incision area to help with the
healing process. Depending on the extent of procedure, it can take anywhere from two to sixhours to complete the surgery. Soreness and swelling are expected and medications will be prescribed to reduce discomfort.
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