Buttock Augmentation

Buttock Augmentation

Buttock augmentation or gluteal augmentation is used to enhance the contour, size and/or shape of the buttocks. It can be done through either buttock implants or fat grafting or sometimes a combination of the two. Buttock implants are silicone-filled devices that are surgically placed deep within the tissues of the buttock. Buttock augmentation with fat grafting involves the transfer of fat from one part of the body into the tissues of the buttocks. This procedure is also called Brazilian Butt Lift.

Brazilian Butt Lift

A buttock augmentation surgery can increase the fullness, roundness and projection of your butt or buttocks, improve the overall appearance of your figure, enhance your self-image and self-esteem.In addition to buttock augmentation procedures, a buttock lift can be done through surgical removal of soft tissue.

Buttock lift

Buttock lift or gluteal lift enhances the shape and tone of the underlying tissue that supports skin and fat in the buttock area. Factors such as age, sun damage, pregnancy, significant fluctuations in weight and genetic factors may contribute to poor tissue elasticity that can cause sagging of the buttocks.
With the objective of achieving a smoother and more pleasing contour, excess sagging skin and fat are removed. A conventional gluteal lift will not make a butt larger, but may improve a dimpled, irregular skin surface. It can be done as a part of body lift or may be performed separately.

Who is a good candidate for buttock augmentation?

Buttock augmentation surgeries are highly personalized procedures. It should not be done to fulfill someone else’s desires or to try to fit into any sort of ideal image.

You may be a good candidate for buttock augmentation if:

  • You are physically healthy without medical conditions that impair healing or increase risk of surgery
  • You have a positive outlook and realistic goals for what buttock augmentation surgery can accomplish
  • You are bothered by the feeling that your butt is too small
  • You are unhappy with the roundness or general shape of your butt
  • Your butt is asymmetrical
  • You have significant soft tissue looseness in the gluteal area
  • You are a nonsmokers
  • You are an individual committed to leading a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition and fitness

During the consultation with your plastic surgeon for buttock augmentation you should express your surgical goals, reveal your past medical history, especially allergies if any, medical treatments that you have had, current medications that you are taking and history of previous surgeries.On evaluating your general health status and pre-existing health conditions and risk factors, your plastic surgeon may recommend a course of treatment that features buttocks augmentation options.The success and safety of your buttock augmentation procedure depends on your complete candidness during your consultation. You will be asked a number of questions about your health,desires and lifestyle.In preparation for a buttock augmentation surgery you may be asked to get a blood test, take certain medications and adjust your current medication regime that includes avoid taking aspirin and certain anti-inflammatory drugs as they can increase bleeding

  • Your plastic surgeon will zero in on the appropriate technique for you based on:
  • Butt size and shape
  • The amount of fat you have on your body that is available for use through liposuction
  • Your goals and activity level
  • Skin quality and elasticity as well as the amount of extra skin

Buttock implant procedure

Anesthetic drugs are administered for your comfort during the surgical procedure. The options are intravenous sedation and general anesthesia. Your plastic surgeon and the anesthetist will recommend the best choice for you. Incisions will be made. The length of the incisions and scararea is directly proportional to the area being removed. A silicone implant specially made for thebuttocks is inserted either in the muscle or above the gluteal muscle on each side. Once the implant is inserted, the incisions are closed with sutures and surgical tapes.With time post-surgical incision will resolve and incision lines will blur. Satisfaction with your new figure will continue to grow as you recover and realize the fulfillment of having a fuller butt. Results of the surgery are permanent.

Fat grafting / Brazilian butt lift procedure

After routine anesthesia, liposuction is performed through small, inconspicuous incisions. The fat, tissue and blood that were removed through liposuction are then processed. The syringes are then connected to a special cannula. Your surgeon will use this cannula to add the fat to the buttocks through small injections all over your behind.The results of buttock augmentation are immediately visible though you will not see the final result until a year after surgery. This procedure offers natural-looking and –feeling buttocks. 

Recovery after surgery

After your buttock enhancement procedure, dressings/bandages will be applied to the incisions. Small, thin tubes may be temporarily placed under the skin to drain any excess blood or fluid thatmay collect. You will be transferred to a recovery area to be closely monitored, and may be allowed to go home after a few hours.You will be instructed to wear a support garment round-the-clock following your surgery. Your surgeon will tell you how long you need to wear the garment.

Results after buttock augmentation

After 3-6 months the tissues will settle a little and the scarring can take up to two years to fade toits mature level. Some visible scars will remain, but the overall results are permanent, provided you maintain your weight and keep a healthy lifestyle. As your body ages, it is natural that your buttocks may lose some firmness. However, most of your initial improvement should remain.Following your surgeon’s instructions is vital to the success of your surgery. It is important that the surgical incisions are not subjected to excessive force, motion, swelling or abrasion during the time of healing. Your surgeon will give you specific instructions as to how to take care of your incisions.If your procedure was performed with fat transfer, it can take up to a year to see your final results. Some of the fat that leads to the initial shape after surgery will be reabsorbed by your body.The results that you get after buttock augmentation surgery will be long-lasting. Over time, your butt’s size and shape can continue to change due to aging and gravity.

If your surgery was performed with fat transfer, it is important to keep in mind that this fat can behave like any other fat in your body. That means if you gain weight, the fat in your buttocks may grow in size. If you lose weight, you may lose some of the volume in the buttocks as the fatshrinks.For such personalized procedures like buttock augmentation, many feel comfortable to get it done through a lady plastic surgeon.

For Enquiries and Online Appointments

For more detailed information about Buttock Augmentation, please send us a message today.

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